Insert foot

Last week our ward was split.   My neighborhood plus a couple of others were sliced off of the mother-ward and combined with a few slices of a neighboring ward.  It will be fine, but there were a lot of really great families in our old ward.   Anyway, we… Read More

Grosser than gross

There are a lot of disgusting things that happen when you have children.  There are also a lot of disgusting things that happen when you have pets.  Put them both together and what do you have? A blog entry! Arabella let Maggie the dog out to go to the bathroom… Read More

I hate politicians, but I also hate the media

I am sick to death of politics.  I’m not wild about the Republicans or the Democrats, because it’s just a bunch of talking heads/schemers/lie-tellers.  I read this article in Meridian Magazine by Orson Scott Card that makes me even more upset–with the journalists who are covering politics. Would the Last… Read More

Hello Crafty

I’m a crafty gal.  Not crafty as in scrapbooking.  I just like making cool things.  And pretty things.  I’m especially inspired if I see something at a store or boutique (overpriced) and think, “I could make that!”  I love the challenge of re-creation.  I have no original ideas of my… Read More

My new bumper sticker

Going along with my crafty theme I found this fabulous bumper sticker.  Perfecto! I’m thinking of adding it to the collection on the back of my minivan.You can buy one for yourself on etsy ($3.00!  What a bargain!)  If you live near me, that will make you a big copycat,… Read More

Where I’m at

I’m writing over at Segullah today. My husband is horrified that I would air out some of my family’s dirty laundry, but he should know me better by now.   (It’s only dirty laundry if it’s spiteful or gossipy.  Not if it’s for a good cause.) By Hildie | Filed… Read More


AriesYour blog will receive 10,000 hits today. 9,999 being from you, and the other from someone who googled “the Internets most boring blog.” TaurusThe giveaway you just entered will turn out to be a sign-up sheet to volunteer as a cat food taster. GeminiYour blog will reach the fame you… Read More


I like shopping at the local grocery store chain called H.E.B. Their prices are decent, but the reason I prefer them over the national chains like Safeway or SuperTarget (although I do like SuperTarget) is because they have all sorts of local brands.  Plus they have a huge assortment of… Read More

This week’s food storage item

I haven’t heard a peep from anyone about their canned meat.  Are you guys blowing off this item? I think tuna fish is pretty much the foulest food there is, but I went and bought some anyway (Mister likes it.  Maybe he can convince the kids it’s OK.)  So as… Read More