All Quiet on the Texas Front

Back to school today. All the things I did: Had kids set out clothes. Got up early to shower and do makeup. Accidentally put on red lipstick (the 16 hour kind. Which meant I had to do the rest of my makeup decently too). Red lipstick requires a certain mindset.… Read More

Learning to be Discreet

I’ve been the Relief Society President for over four months now. Which has been about when my blogging began to fall off. You might think it’s because I don’t have enough time; that’s only partly the case. My responsibilities come and go. Sometimes I’m incredibly busy and sometimes I’m not.… Read More

Olympic Sports I Would Be Good At

It’s hard to watch the Olympics and not imagine yourself doing some of those sports. Even if you are a 41 year-old woman who hasn’t raised her heartbeat once in the last six months. So really this is all theoretical. It’s more about affinity than ability. But let’s consider the… Read More

Gymnastics: Where Scrunchies Live Forever!

Y’all, I still don’t have a computer. I can fight the kids to use the playroom computer, but mostly I’m limited to using my iphone. Blogging on an iphone is somewhere between maddening and suicide-inducing. I can’t believe I’m not blogging about the Olympics! It’s been a frustrating ten days… Read More

Babies at Movies. Yes, I’m judging.

I don’t have a TV so I know very little about the whole movie theatre shooting. I do know that a lot of people are upset about the Colorado parents being judged about bringing little kids to movie theatres. While it isn’t the most important issue in the theatre shooting,… Read More

How Not To Lose Kids’ Goggles

Just about every day we go swimming in one of our neighborhood pools. If you have kids and are a frequenter of public pools you know how impossible it is to keep track of swim googles. Every summer we start out with one pair for everybody and somehow by the… Read More

Me and my Bumper

Awww, look at India with her new car. “New” car, I should say. It’s a Toyota Corolla that is ten years old but does not have a dent or ding anywhere. She has had it for not quite two weeks. Let me digress right here to tell you about my… Read More

I’m Alive!

I pretty much vanished for the last couple of weeks. Partly due to relatives in town (we know who loves us by how often they visit. Hint, hint, relatives.) Partly due to being the Relief Society President when half the ward decides to move at the exact moment the other… Read More

Mormons Wear Skirts to Church ALWAYS

Whether you are Mormon or not, it’s a pretty interesting phenomenon that we are pretty much the only church that wears skirts/dresses to church exclusively, but wears pants the rest of the time (Orthodox Jews, Fundamentalist Christians, Amish: the women wear dresses all the time. If you aren’t one of… Read More