Fasting. And I Don’t Mean Juicing.

Today I’m talking about fasting over at Segullah. Fasting? Oh goody! Mormons, in case you aren’t one, fast from food and drink for two meals (up to 24 hours) every single month. We donate the money from those meals to the poor. The best thing about fasting, though, is that… Read More

Why May is Horrid

You guys. YOU GUYS. YOU GUYS!  Last week. It was a killer.  As in “poor me I was a crying, mean zombie by the end of it”. It was the last week of school. Normally it is a busy week; all the concerts and whatnot.  But this year it soared… Read More

My Eating Disorder

I’ve been reading a lot lately in the blog world about people having Anorexia/Bulimia/Some-strange-condition-where-they-seems-themselves-as-fat-and-hideous. It takes a lot of courage to talk about hating your body and how much you hate that you hate it. It’s made me think about my relationship with my body. I pretty much have the… Read More

Three Good Movies

I’ve got a bunch of miscellaneous tutorials stacking up (making jam! And tablecloths! And doing a facial!) but I just don’t have the time to get them done what with all the parties and end-of-the-school-year shenanigans going on. Let’s just say that I have probably been to more choir/band/piano recitals and… Read More

So Delicious You Might Cry

I’m up to my eyeballs in birthday preparations. And we have a big church party tonight as well. In other words, I’m raw-ther busy. But here’s something for you to think about: one of my very favorite foods ever. You probably have heard of Biscoff. It tastes like cookies but… Read More

Makeup Monday–My Favorite Moisturizer

It’s time we sat down and had a chat. You know you’re not getting any younger, right? Even if you’re 22, you know your lovely, wrinkle-free skin won’t last forever.  The older you get, the more important nice skin becomes. So here’s what you need to do: Stay out of… Read More

You Think You Want A Dog?

I probably don’t know you at all. But I know you well enough to tell you this: you don’t want a dog.  The desire to get a dog is kind of weird; like a biological clock in a way. One day you wake up and think, “I kind of want… Read More

Party Time, Excellent

May and June will be bringing us our last two birthdays of the Season (“the Season” spans from December-June with a birthday every month). As bad luck and poor planning will have it, both children are due for a birthday party. Arabella (turning 11) hasn’t had one for three years… Read More