Independence Day Toenails

To celebrate the festivities I’ve made a Lemon Truffle Pie and painted my toenails. Hope your day is fun, not too hot, full of deliciousness and that nothing around you catches on fire!   By Hildie | Filed under Holidays, Makeup and Hair, Nails 4 Comments Share

It’s Hot Outside!

Number one news story: It’s hot in most of America. Good thing air conditioning was invented. I realize that a lot of people are without power and that it’s really sweltering. But up until about fifty years ago, that would have been the norm. Not only would it have been… Read More

Best and Worst Foods of Summer

Worst: For some reason Independence Day is the big Jello holiday. I guess because the weather is hot and Jello is cold. At least I guess it’s cold. I don’t really know. I find it disgusting beyond belief. it is slippery and slimy and feels to me like eating sweet… Read More

Crazy Cereal Week

Kids love having family traditions but as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that a lot of traditions are a real pain for the parents (especially the mom). Being pragmatic like I am, I try to keep my job uncomplicated but I don’t want to suck the joy out of my… Read More

I Need Some Music Suggestions

I am completely and thoroughly sick of my workout music. So I am imploring you for some new tune ideas. I pretty much like every genre of music (some more than others, of course. I have everything from rap to bellydance music). My only real issue is that I don’t… Read More

The Little Laptop that Couldn’t

Today is How-To Tuesday. And all my photographs for tutorials are stuck on my hard drive. The hard drive that is having an existential crisis and simply won’t start because even though it’s less than a year old, what’s the point. What is the point of it all? That’s what… Read More

Makeup Monday–Primer

Today we’re going to talk about makeup primer. For a lot of you the response will be “say what?”. Primer is one of my favorite products; the whole point of it is to make your skin perfect for applying makeup. It goes on after your moisturizer/sunscreen (you’d better be wearing… Read More

Father’s Day for the Fatherless

Ok, I’m not exactly fatherless. I have a father; he’s just been dead for a very long time. And we weren’t exactly close so missing him has really never been an issue. But this is an odd Father’s Day because my husband is also gone (gone as in “not here”.… Read More

Good Books I’ve Read Lately

Somehow I managed to read a bunch of books in the last month even though I was crazy busy. There were a few duds but several that I liked a lot. I read The The Wilder Life: My Adventures in the Lost World of Little House on the Prairie by Wendy… Read More

Two Decades of Being Married

Today is my anniversary. Or rather, my anniversary with Mister. We have been married for twenty years. That is a really long time. Although I look fifteen I was actually 21. At the time I felt rather grown up but as I look back I realize what an absolute child… Read More

Lipstick, For People Who Don’t Use It

It’s Makeup Monday! Yay! A few weeks ago I was mentioning something about lipstick to one of my friends and her eight-year old daughter was standing right next to us. “Why do you wear lipstick?” the little girl asked, “you’re pretty enough without it.” I thought that was terribly sweet… Read More