It’s May–the month that kills.

This is the end of May. Like you didn’t know that. But May is brutal. It is busybusybusy. Much like December, but without being pine-scented. There is the end-of-the-schoolyear everything: Concerts, tournaments, dinners, awards assemblies, concerts, graduations. And teacher gifts. Let’s not forget the angst those cause. Thursday (probably today… Read More

Cops and cookies

Yesterday, Valentine’s Day, I decided to make a big heart-shaped chocolate chip cookie for a friend. I ended up making way too much dough so I thought, “who could use a cookie? Probably nobody since we all have sugared-out kids by Valentine’s Day afternoon.” But then I thought about my… Read More

Preparedness and a mini-breakdown

First of all, the preparedness item this week is Spaghetti Sauce. It’s a pasta topping! It’s a pizza Sauce! It’s multi-talented! If you are aiming on spaghetti/pizza/etc. once a week, that’s going to be 12 jars. Think you can handle that? If that’s too much for your pantry (or your… Read More

The Great Switcheroo

York, my petulant almost-14-year-old, is tired of sharing a room with his 11-year-old brother Finn. And who could blame him? Finn is a slob. Plus sharing a room is a complete drag when you’re a teenager. York has been begging for his own room for a couple of years now.… Read More

Goals, and I don’t mean soccer

I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. They seem so forced, so contrived. This year, though, there are just so many ways I’m fed up with myself. So I’ve made about a dozen resolutions. Way to set myself up for failure! I’m a very firm believer in babysteps.… Read More

The first week

If you have uttered these words I have a bone to pick with you: “let’s plan it for the first week of December so we won’t interfere with people’s holiday plans.” I have to say that I am tired–SICK AND TIRED–of every holiday event being planned for the first week… Read More