Just call me Henny-Penny

Mister, somewhat absent-mindedly, said a few days ago, “I haven’t found any whole-wheat bread here that I like.”  We have bought most brands, and none of them seem to please his palate.  You should know by now that I like my food as devoid of nutrients as possible, so I… Read More

Sorry for the delay

Not having a laptop at my disposal is really cramping my style. Cheers to all of you who got your sugar: ArianneTiffanyTamaraCarolynLisaJennHollyEmmie-Lew Mindi? Harlene? Heather? Where have you disappeared to? Here are this week’s items —–>>>>> By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 1 Comment Share

It’s a call-out!

Before I start our food-storage item for next week, I’d like to know who has gotten their sugar. I have a few people. Who’s been a good girl? Could I just get a bit of sympathy for a moment. I have broken yet another charger for my laptop (actually, I… Read More

Just another Saturday

Ike is winding down and it looks like we won’t be getting so much as a drop of rain. There is always a dry zone that goes along with a hurricane, and so far the dry zone is sitting over Austin. I was really hoping that my lawn would get… Read More

Thar she blows

We’re getting ready for the big hurricane. The weather is expected to be very windy and rainy here in central Texas. Mister has been watching the one news channel we get and they’re being very sensationalistic about Austin’s weather situation. Mister tends to be emotional and is starting to get… Read More

I have a teenager!

I’m completely shocked that I can be the mother of a teenager! Yesterday was India’s 13th birthday. How did that happen? She’s a very young 13–no teenage snottiness or histrionics. (How young is she? She asked for, and received, dragon legos. Legos!) Let’s keep our fingers crossed that she stays… Read More

Boiled icing

Here’s the recipe for the boiled icing I used on my cake yesterday. It is incredibly easy, but it takes about 15 minutes to make. You should try making it at least once in your life! This makes a lot of icing. Perfect for a three or four layer cake.… Read More

Fun times

I had the most exciting thing happen last night.  It’s exciting for me, but not so thrilling for you.  OK, let me backtrack. A few days ago I saw the most wonderful cake in a magazine.  This cake looked so good, but I couldn’t think of an excuse to make… Read More

More news about Stephanie

My friend Courtney and some of her sibs were interviewed by Matt Lauer this morning on the Today Show about Stephanie and Christian.  Click to see the clip. By Hildie | Filed under Uncategorized 3 Comments Share