
My sister-in-law dragged me to a fancy cheese shop a few days ago. I’m not a huge fan of cheese (although we did have a lovely Stilton with bits of fruit in it) but cheese shops usually have chocolate too. I found a chocolate bar that I simply could not… Read More

Let’s do it!

For those of you doing my preparedness plan, it’s time to get started. Here’s this week’s item.————–>>>>>>>>>   When will you be going to the store?  Put oats on your list!   P.S.  If you know anybody who may need a little help in the food storage department, invite them to… Read More

Hey, guess what!

I’ve got a great new idea for all my blogging sisters! (maybe a couple of brothers too). Watch this little video first: The economy is dismal and only getting worse. Natural disasters are happening more and more often. Food shortages are occurring everywhere on this planet, even here in the… Read More