Go ahead, nag me

Wedding season is closing in and I usually give aprons and cookbooks to the brides-to-be.  I like to make the aprons and I have a great new pattern to use (thanks Mom!), but I haven’t been able to get it together enough to sew.  I’m hoping that if I mention it here, I’ll feel some additional accountability.  Like people will post comments next week that say, “how’s it going with the aprons?”  And I’ll feel shamed into finally making them. 

(Let’s have a little smidge of reality here. I’m teaching a sugar cookie-making class on Thursday night and all my mental and physical effort will be going into that.  So I’m pretty sure that means I won’t start on my aprons til Friday.)

By the way, here’s my favorite cookbook to give new brides. Costco carries it a lot of the time. Or you can get it on Amazon. Everybody should have this one. I give it sometimes as a high school graduation gift too (depending on if the person will like it or just think I’m a dork for giving it to them.)

13 thoughts on “Go ahead, nag me

  1. The baking book you gave me as a house warming gift many years ago has been my most used cookbook ever, so I think your taste is spot on. I can’t wait to see a picture of the finished aprons!

  2. I would love to see a photo of a finished apron. I’ll be waiting. (The heat is on.) 🙂
    I found your blog from Segullah, which my husband’s cousin, Kylie, shared. Had to laugh at your post on lack of motivation. Just thinking that it’s probably a pretty normal state for the majority of us who are still hoping to thaw here in Utah Valley where the arctic winds and snow swooshed in after one glorious week of mid-sixties temps and snow-free lawns. And I’d guess it’s a pretty normal state for moms across the country this time of year, no? My sister wrote about it just the other day (http://wrinklesandtime.blogspot.com; see post called “Procrastination”).
    Nice to meet you. Happy sewing!

  3. So, how are those aprons coming along?

    I bet more women would learn to cook if they got a cute apron and a good cookbook when they got married.

    How is this cookbook? I mean, why do you like it so much? I’ve never even seen you use it before.

  4. I love that cookbook! I use it all the time… it’s a great gift! My favorite recipe is on page 430 – slow-cooker barbeques pulled pork. It even has the sauce stains to prove it!

  5. To see the "CUTE APRON" Jennie is making, take a look at that very apron modeled by Jennie's sister, Arianne, on her own blog:


    It's even cuter than the picture. It has a gathered bust-line top and bottom, a nipped-in waist, and enough flare in the skirt to make the wearer look quite curvy.

    The bow in back can be HUGE & FAT with a contrasting lining, or can be a plain, simple tie. Ditto the neck closure: plain tie, fancy button, velcro, or sewed shut (there's plenty of head-entry room without a fastening.)

    In fact, it's much too cute to cook in!

  6. I LOVE this cookbook! John also gave me the test kitchen’s New Best Recipies…I’ve never used the recipies in that one but I love to read it…multiple pages on the best way to make scrambled eggs and anything else you can think of.

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