Let’s do it!

For those of you doing my preparedness plan, it’s time to get started. Here’s this week’s item.————–>>>>>>>>>

  When will you be going to the store?  Put oats on your list!  
P.S.  If you know anybody who may need a little help in the food storage department, invite them to come over to my blog.  They only have to visit on Sun/Mon.  Sometimes it’s good to have a buddy so that you can remind each other to get it done.
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8 thoughts on “Let’s do it!

  1. Thank you so much for getting us all started! I will be giving you a shout out on my blog tomorrow. Right after I get my Oats!

  2. See that section to the right at the top of the column? The one that says “food storage item of the week”? Yes, that’s where I put the item. One big round container of oats (42 oz.) per person in your family (regardless of age.)

  3. Thanks for getting me motivated again! Harlene sent me to your site so that I too can get prepared!(She knows how much of a procrastinator I am!)

  4. Hi! I found your blog via Tiburon and am intrigued by your food storage list. I am wondering though, what would you do with all those oats? Anything besides oatmeal? Same with the chocolate chips. If I’m not a baker, do I really need to stock up on chocolate chips?

    The peanut butter week could be a bit hard for me…I hate American peanut butter so my mother mails it to me, one jar at a time as needed, from Australia!

    Anyway, nice to “meet” you – I’ve been reading past entries in your blog and you’re quite hilarious! 🙂

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