Imagine if you didn’t have any power for several days. And you had to still had to keep cleaning your house. You wouldn’t want to stick to rags and washcloths if there were no way to clean these things in the laundry, right? If you were in this situation you might prefer paper towels, correct? So that’s what we’re working on this week. Paper towels. I prefer to buy a giant case of them at Costco and check it off my list, but you’re welcome to buy any kind you like. I’d just recommend getting a couple of rolls per person in your family.
And the extra-nice thing is that paper towels don’t go bad so you have plenty of time to use them up. They’re such a great item to have on hand!
The fact that there is a possible case of Ebola in Dallas has me freaked out. I think this week I am going to go to Costco and finish off everything I need for my 3 months supply so we can quarantine ourselves in our house!
See? See!!! I knew this would happen! Actually I bought a whole bunch of canned bacon a couple of weeks ago and the owner of the website said that in the last few days his orders have shot through the roof. His warehouse people are working til 3 am trying to get orders finished.
And, yes, canned bacon is a thing. A very, very good thing. Because a world without bacon is not one I interested in living in.
Canned bacon?? Is it any good? I mean, does it taste like real bacon? Cause I hate most canned meats. But I might be able to do canned bacon!