I first heard about the book Tell the Wolves I’m Home in the Costco magazine a few months ago but thought it sounded dumb and uninteresting. Then my friend Anna read it and said it was fantastic. So I figured it was worth a try. Plus Anna loaned it to me; no need to plunk down $15 for something I might not like. (Although the cover is so cute! I had high hopes.)
I hate reading the descriptions on the backs of books; either they spoil it (and I love a pleasant surprise) or they make the book sound completely ordinary; I can’t tell you how many books I’ve passed by because the blurb says something about the complicated relationships between sisters. Blah. Boring. Who cares. All I really want to know is if I’ll like the writing style and if the story is interesting.
I’m not going to bother with a description of this book because the synopsis, as I said before, will probably not want to make you read it. But let me tell you that I cried a dozen times while reading it. And I am not a cryer. It is good and lovely and happy and sad; heartwarming and heartbreaking. It’s probably in my Top 5 books I’ve read this year. It was just so, so good.
Halfway through reading I had this amazing epiphany about something in my life that’s been bothering me for a couple of years. It had nothing at all to do with this book, but maybe because my heart was soft and quiet while I was reading, I finally could figure some things out and work though a few feelings. There were tears for that as well as tears for the book itself.
If you’re worrying about swearing and sex and stuff like that, there really isn’t any. It’s pretty clean. There is, of course, the subject matter about a teenage girl whose uncle dies of AIDS and the things that entails such as her uncle’s boyfriend. So there’s that. But it is not addressed in a sordid or creepy way.
If you’re looking for a satisfying, well-written book, I’d highly recommend Tell the Wolves I’m Home. It’s a compelling read that is hard to put down. The characters are excellent and it is well done all the way around. Just make sure you’ve got some tissues handy. You can drop by Costco to see if they still have copies in stock or just get it here
No, I’m not getting paid to write this review. Although I will get paid one meeellion dollars if you buy the book through my Amazon link.
I also really loved this book, much more than I expected to. I’ve had a hard time describing it because the plot and setting sound kind of blah, but it is such a good book. One of my favorites this year. (I think I heard about it in Costco magazine too)
I’m so glad you reviewed this book! I’m always looking for good ones!
WOW! It must be Halloween time. Your blog is besieged by requests on how to make a very full tutu! All those ballerinas looking for candy! Don’t they know what that will do for their figures?
This has nothing to do with your post, though I guess I can add another book on my to-read list, but I remember you writing a post a while back about disliking how popular your first name was growing up. Thought this list of popular baby girl names by year and state might give you a laugh!
Dang! Why didn’t you read this book last month when I was looking for something to recommend for my month at book group! Ah well. I just found two copies IN at my library. Yay!