The Flap about Snap–A Recap

Last weekend I went up to Utah for the Snap Conference: a get together for bloggers who craft or DIY. Before I get into how fun it was, let me apologize for not contacting anyone who lives in Utah. It was a quick trip in and out. I plan on coming back to Utah this summer and will hopefully see every friend or relative I have. Let’s move on.

How much fun did I have? A ton. This has got to be the nicest and friendliest bunch of people anywhere. I stayed with two other Austin bloggers, Kristen Duke, who woke up at the unhumanly crack of dawn early every day to teach a photography class andΒ Lorie from Be Different Act Normal. Kristen is quite possibly the most outgoing person I’ve ever met and Lorie is hilarious. It made for a fun hotel room.

Classes were offered. Among those I took were SEO which means Search Engine Optimization. Also known as How to Get Google to Like You. I wrote things down but I have no idea what they mean. The guy who taught the class was Dutch and had really cool blue and tan saddle shoes.

Also somewhat mindblowing was the class on Photoshop. I can do a few things in Photoshop–zit removal and such–but I need to improve my skills tremendously.Β  The teacher, Amanda Padgett, happens to be brilliant and a very good teacher. I am an utter dunce at most things computer-related but I learned how to do a bunch of super useful and generally awesome things in Photoshop Elements. By the end of this year my pictures are going to be so stunning you’ll cry!

The other classes were more crafty; things like party planning and flower arranging. One of my favorite classes was about growing your handmade business. I don’t have a handmade business and the main thing I learned was that I never want to have one. What a pain! I also enjoyed a class about developing your own style taught by, among others, Shelley from House of Smiths. She is one of the funniest people ever.

I forgot to take any pictures but fortunately Kristen did and I stole this from her blog.

This is a photo of Kristen Duke, Kirsten from KoJo Designs who is simply gorgeous in real life, me (contrary to appearances I am neither pregnant nor obese; just wearing a flowy shirt that wasn’t behaving itself), and Heidi from Sew.Craft. Create (who is way cuter in real life).

Such a fantastic trip. I feel energized and excited to get back into a creative groove. Now I just have to put this stuff away (remind me again why I thought it was a good idea to unpack in the family room):

18 thoughts on “The Flap about Snap–A Recap

  1. Great recap!! Thanks for mentioning my session and Everyday Elements. I had a great time and so enjoyed being surrounded by such amazingly creative women!!

    Though I’d mention my suitcase still looks like that, but is on my bedroom floor, much to my husband’s dismay. LOL

  2. It was so great to meet you! I think you 3 and I were the only Texas girls…at least the only ones I met. You are adorable and sunny and sweet. I hope we’ll see you in June!! πŸ™‚ Lisa~

  3. Sounds awesome! Did they teach you how to stop your toilet video from playing the audio every time I get on your page?

  4. Sounds fun! I went to high school with Brooke K. from The Crafting Chicks. I don’t know if you got a chance to meet her, but I know she attended also. πŸ™‚

  5. I’ve already mentioned this a couple of times, but LOVED hanging out with you last weekend! You were one of my ‘highlights’ for sure!!! πŸ™‚
    Also love that picture of us. Definitely stealing it. πŸ™‚

  6. What’s that you say? A quick in-and-out trip to Utah? Hmmm….sounds familar. Truth be told even though I was a little embarrassed that day we ran into each other at Babies-R-Us , mostly I was so happy to see you. Miss you.

  7. Haha! You’re family room looks like mine! ONly mine is messier and filled with my Snap crap too! LOL! Sorry I didn’t get to meet you. Hopefully next year we can meet and talk. It was so hard to get to connect with everyone, but glad to see the connections online πŸ™‚

  8. I’m so glad I got to meet you! It was fun chatting in the hotel room with you. I wish we didn’t have to wake up early the next day….I could have stayed and chatted all night. Had so much fun!!!


  9. It sure sounds fun! I learned PhotoShop 8.5 ten years ago on my mission to Fiji by pure experimentation and absolute PILES of time wasted. Now I know a lot about THAT version, but am terrified of a newer version. But I would like to take a class!

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