The Book Fair

It is time at our Elementary School for the semi-annual book fair. Which I hate. And not just because we are on a very limited budget and the last thing I want to be spending money on is the hardcover version of Super Diaper Baby. I’m just playing; Super Diaper Baby only comes in paperback. I’m serious about not liking the book fair.

I don’t get how Scholastic totally nails it with dandy cheap books in the book orders, but turns the book fair into a super deluxe full-priced book store (that they have the audacity to suggest I work at). Yeah, it’s some sort of fund raiser. I get it. At least this way we’ll have books to show for our contributions to the school and not vile cookie dough.

But this jumps to the conclusion that I want a hard-cover copy of Pinkalicious.ย  I don’t. I really don’t. I am extremely picky when it comes to the books my children read (my husband, not so much. Which explains why we actually own Super Diaper Baby. I made the foolish mistake of sending Jasper to the book fair with Daddy last year. And now said book is hidden because once Mister read it he was appalled that the title character actually battles a giant poop. I’m all, “Duh. What did you think it was going to be about? Tea parties?”)

There are some really great books at the book fair. I’m not knocking Scholastic. But unlike a book store or Amazon where I can pick out what I think is appropriate for my children, at the book fair they are dancing around with some sort of Poodle Princesses nonsense, begging and pleading and writhing on the floor that they will never be happy without this book.

But, as usual, I have to play mean witch stern mother and tell my kids no. “No, Ada, I just bought you two books for your birthday nine days ago.” That doesn’t matter because everybody has rich mothers who buy their children everything they want from the book fair. At least that’s what my children say. I’m so wretched I won’t even buy ย the $5 Justin Bieber poster.

There is all this peer pressure to buy, buy, buy.

I am getting severely tired of this so I’ve taken matters into my own hands. Here are a couple of books that I “bought at the book fair”. I’m sure my kids will be thrilled!



15 thoughts on “The Book Fair

  1. I’m so happy to be past the book fair stage! One of my pet peeves was all the non-book stuff (posters, erasers, stickers, etc.). When we did actually buy something there, it had to be an actual book!

  2. hahaha! Ohhh I hear that. All of it. My favorite part is when I see the same books from the fair at the library and they have no interest, after throwing fits that they neeeeeded them. REALLY.

  3. LOL! Can I get copies of those last two books? Especially the Star Wars one about stingy mothers. I made the mistake of volunteering to help with the book fair, only to be whined at and pulled on and embarrassed by when James threw a fit that I wouldn’t buy him the $19.99 ultimate Star Wars sticker book. $19.99 for stickers? Pa-lease!

  4. Cracking up! I’m an elementary school librarian and even I hate the book fair. There. I said it. So much work. My son’s school had one recently and I know we spent $25 at least. I don’t have them at the school I work at. LOVE your book titles, though! Ha!

  5. One of my first tasks as the newly appointed Director of a local school was the book fair. I hate them as well. However I must say, we did raise money for our teachers to buy books for the classrooms so I softened a tad. It’s funny that you mentioned the quality of the “literature” offered. I, myself, am a book snob. Not for myself of course, but definitely for my children. When Scholastic called to see how I felt about how the book fair went, I explained my concern over the lack of quality books offered. I mentioned that I do understand the marketing aspect, however I wasn’t sure I wanted to support it again if all I could offer was Captain Underpants. My Scholastic Rep said next time I could request titles and specify Newberry and Caldecott award winners. Good to know!

  6. You are my new favorite person… next to God and my Mother. I like the book fair about as much as I like my yearly check up with the dentist. ๐Ÿ˜‰ And I have 5 girls… **sigh** Why am I always guilted into buying even the smallest thing there?? And I don’t even guilt easily… I think they must pump something into the ventilation shafts to make you more likely to buy stuff… that’s the only thing I can figure. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. I love reading your blog posts… they have become the highlight of my day… (take it as you will, not sure what that says for my day!!) 5 girls weren’t my plan, but God chose me for 3 of them and blessed me with 2! And yes I agree, boys freak me out too… that’s why besides my husband, the only other boy “thing” is the dog!

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