Fess-Up Friday–Mail Sorting Edition

For Fess-Up Friday I’m showing you my amazing mail-sorting and storage system. You guys are going to want to add this to your Pinterest boards for sure.


Okay, so it’s really just a giant bin that the mail gets tossed into. Or sometimes we just throw the mail near the bin.

You might not be surprised to know that I have gotten the water turned off twice due to forgetting to pay the bill. With this system it’s hard to believe that bills can get overlooked.

This is also a handy place to throw odds and ends such as the Playmobil horse sitting next to the mail bin.

Do you have issues with your mail? Or are you super organized? It’s fess-up Friday so spill the beans!


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5 thoughts on “Fess-Up Friday–Mail Sorting Edition

  1. When I come in w the mail I walk straight to the garbage/recycling and out 90% of it goes. The bills go in the desk and the magazines in the basket. I couldn’t have papers near my burners like that I would be afraid my kids would set the house on fire!

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