We are the Jet Set Society

We’re off to the Motherland (A.K.A. Utah) in the morning. I may or may not blog while I’m gone.

I’m up to my eyeballs in suitcases and kids clothes. The fish is already at the babysitter’s house. We’re dropping off the dog in the morning (Mister can’t quite be trusted to take very good care of her). Then I’m off to have a fabulous time on an airplane with six kiddles. I’ve stocked up on goodies, play-doh, Matchbox cars, and Color Wonders. I also have several movies loaded onto my laptop. Even with all the preparations there is nothing like flying with little kids to make your blood boil and homicide seem like a reasonable idea.

See you in a couple of weeks!

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13 thoughts on “We are the Jet Set Society

  1. Have a great time, and when the kids are giving you a hard time just think: this is why some animals eat their young.

  2. Sounds like you are super prepared! Be sure to look us up when you are here. Just the other day Taryn asked when in July, you would be coming to visit.

    How long will you be here? Our ward is having a youth conference the weekend of the 10th and 11th, if India would like to go with Taryn and if you will still be here.

    Let us know what your time frame is and hopefully we can do something while you are here.


  3. Hope you have fun after the plane lands (and not come too close to opening the door during the flight!)

  4. Have a great time, and promise to blog while your gone. I don't want to go that long with out you!

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