Three? What? How can that be?

Little baby Jasper is three today (Don’t tell anyone that I completely forgot until my mom called to wish him a happy birthday.) I love three-year-olds and it’s breaking my heart a little bit that he’ll be my last one.

Except for his yearning to destroy everything we own, he is a delightful child. Boy, do I love this kid.

| Filed under Birthdays

11 thoughts on “Three? What? How can that be?

  1. He is so so sweet! And I love the pic of you preggers and then holding him–wonderful!


  2. He has changed so much since the last time I saw him! It makes sense, seeing how Avery has changed a lot, but still! Happy Birthday Jasper!! We sure love you!

  3. Dang! He's cute.
    Mine is four, which is my ABSOLUTE favorite age. Good times ahead for you and Jasper! Happy Wishes, Happy Day.

  4. I love how I can look at his newborn picture and his 3 year old picture, and see the same kid. I love 3, too, it's when they're personalities really come out.
    Happy birthday, Jasper!
    Gorgeous maternity/newborn shot, as well.

  5. I utterly delight that you "love this kid," as that was certainly not the case when he cried incessantly for the first 6 months of his life, and you would gladly have given him to passing gypsies. Had they wanted or needed a siren.

    He is so beautiful now! and I LOVE your pregnancy before and after shot. What did you do for his birthday?

  6. He looks so serious in his baby picture—and you look amazing in your pregnant picture—so tiny!!

    He is a doll, for sure!

  7. I can relate about the destrution. It makes me worried for when he and Beck are together next month. Gulp.

    Happy Birthday, Jasper!

  8. Wow… those first pictures are awesome! And The rest of them… Adorable!! Happy birthday little guy!! Aww, too sweet!

  9. So Ruby is a little infatuated with Jasper. So much that she even tells people his dog and car are nice…and she hates dogs and cats! She has asked me a hundred and fifty times if we can go to his house. I finally had to pull up your blog and let her look at pictures of him.

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