Did you make a resolution to do more service? Well, this counts!

This is the new book that just came out to benefit the Nielsons (Nie Nie and her husband were the ones in the terrible plane crash. Burned badly, millions of $$$ of hospital bills.) It’s written by all the wittiest and most delightful bloggers. Naturally I’m in it. (For real!) You can buy it here. All the proceeds go directly to the family, so it’s money well spent. You should get one for yourself and have an extra on hand for a last-minute birthday present. That’s my sage advice to you.

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5 thoughts on “Did you make a resolution to do more service? Well, this counts!

  1. I’m still TOTALLY jealous that you are in it and not me. But I will get one anyway. I can conquer my jealousy for your sake.

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