Seriously. This was the worst week ever in stock market history, but our week was incredible. We got (and accepted) an offer on our house in Utah (it’s been for sale for eleven months). And Mister was offered a really great job (let’s just say his paycheck has been incredibly erratic since June).
God is great.
I know how thrilled you must be 🙂
awesome jennie! good job mister!
Hallelujah! I am genuinely happy for you guys.
(and very impressed that your blog has not been daily updates on your stress level. you are remarkable sistah!)
Congrats, congrats. I can SOOOO relate to the relief you must feel on the house selling. We had one move where it took our previous home 12 months to sell. We are currently on month 18 waiting for our latest home (sitting empty, 3 hours away) to sell. I’m looking forward to the day the Lord answers our prayers about the sale of that house.
Again, wonderful news–so thrilled for you!
Hallelujah! That’s wonderful, heavenly news. Keep counting those blessings! I hope the new job is fantastic.
Jennie, I’m glad to hear your husband got an official offer. Ugh about the commute, though. Maybe he can ride-share? Take the bus?
I hope you close on the house soon and that the inspection goes smoothly and uneventfully. I’m always still a little nervous until after the inspection.
I’m so glad all our prayers have finally paid off. I was tired of fasting for you. Just kidding. Seriously, I am so happy I can’t tell you.
p.s. PLEASE get rid of your word verification!!!