It’s been Prom time around here. We have a no-dating-til-age-16 rule which means this was the first year that York and India were both old enough to go. India went with her boyfriend, Ethan, to both the school Prom and MoPro (Mormon Prom) where there aren’t so many skanky dresses and hoochie dancing. York just went to MoPro. Boys have a really easy time as far as the Prom is concerned: we bought him a nice suit, got his haircut, picked up a corsage and voilà! He was all set. For girls it is another story entirely. First there is the dress. It’s bad enough finding a dress that is cute and affordable, but when you’re Mormon it’s supposed to be modest too, meaning no crazy cleavage and shoulders must be covered. Choices are very limited locally. (I wish there were some sort of modest Prom Dress Excahange!) One of India’s friends loaned her a really pretty navy dress that we managed to modest-ize and I think it turned out well. Now that the Prom’s over we have to unpick all the modest additions so we can return it. Good thing they were just basted on.
It’s also a good thing that I know how to do nails, hair and makeup. There were a lot of girls who didn’t even bother to put on lipstick! For the Prom! It’s a good teaching opportunity to explain the difference between daytime and nighttime makeup. Of course India’s face showed up the best in all the pictures. I don’t take my beauty responsibilities lightly! Because India went to two Proms, that meant I got to spend two Saturdays in a row getting her all ready. (Luckily I used Angel Pro nail polish–with some silver glitter on the tips–so her manicure looked just as nice the second weekend as the first.)
Mister waited for India’s date to show up.
India’s boyfriend is the nicest boy. Terribly sweet and gentlemanly. Even so I had a little chat and told him that I’d punch him in the face if he drank any alcohol. I like to make sure that we’re on the same page. I was sort of kidding, but not really.
The Prom was pretty nice and a good time was had until things started to get crazy and everyone was grinding on the dance floor.
The next weekend was MoPro. Since York doesn’t have his driver’s license yet, India had to drive him to pick up his date, Taylor. It was like some sort of bad Brady Bunch episode. Taylor is a pretty low-key, casual girl and York likes hanging out with her so they had a fun time.
I especially love this picture because York never–and I mean never–smiles for pictures. But lookie here! What a nice smile! I knew he could do it. York is not really into looking good (I picked him up from track practice a few weeks ago and he was wearing a dark green t-shirt, orange silky basketball shorts and black knee-high dress socks. He wears this ugly stuff proudly!). Finn, who is 14, is super into his looks. He actually had to tie York’s bow tie for him, help York style his hair and loaned him a nice watch to wear. It was pretty funny to see.
All the people going to MoPro together came over to our neighborhood and took pictures before heading off to dinner. What a cute bunch of kids!
What an adorable bunch of kids for the MoPro! What pretty dressses! Yes, some girls would look 400% better in lipstick. And I loved York’s REAL smile!
I just LOVE your blog-a-day! The pictures are GREAT. India looks so much more sophisticated this year. They grow up so fast!!
That picture of Papa with the shotgun made me laugh my head off!
Wow… I cant believe how much she looks like you.. cute pics, awesome shot with Mister and the WMD. I am so doing that with my girls and their dates.. HA!! Hilde you have a lovely family.. Very Impressed!!!
Great job! They look highly presentable! Everything from nails, to hair, to alterations is an amazing feat! People around here spend CRAAAA-zy money on that stuff! (well, not the alterations…) York has a great smile!
Keep up the good work Mister! Excellent pic. Our country needs more folks like you guys!!