Makeup Monday-Mascara, part deux

A year or so ago I recommended my favorite mascara (by Sonja Krashuk), but of course that was the signal to Target to have it discontinued. So I’ve been wandering in the mascara wilderness for a couple of months now. Mascaras, more than any other product, rely heavily on adjectives (Super maxi thick ultra-long lash supreme!) Their names are like watching those little girl beauty pageants; there are so many adjectives that the title becomes meaningless.

I love to peruse the trial sizes at Ulta. You can try out some fancy-pants make-up for cheap (they’re usually all piled together in a rack by the cashier). I bought They’re Real mascara by benefit and I’m really liking it. It does make my lashes look super thick, but super thick can also mean super clumpy and globby. I can only get my lashes to look great about half of the time with this mascara.

So my search resumes for a mascara that looks thick but still manages to separate my lashes. Have you found anything that you really love? I’ve heard good things about Clinique mascara but I hate sinking a lot of money into mascara since really it’s not the thing that people notice first. It’s just a couple of rows of hair. But my eyes look beady and bland without it. So the search continues . . . .

| Filed under Makeup and Hair

9 thoughts on “Makeup Monday-Mascara, part deux

  1. Clinique really is the best. I’ve tried several and have enjoyed them all, but my favorite is high impact. It really is worth the extra money.

  2. I love one by Bare Escentuals. I can’t remember the name of it but the wand almost looks like a comb with tiny straight bristles. I find it really does a good job of separating my lashes. I got a sample of They’re Real from Sephora and I don’t think it’s all that great, which was disappointing because I have a friend who raves about it.

  3. I’m on the hunt, too, so if you DO find something, post it please! Right now I have three different brands in my drawer and I’m not thrilled with any of them. One clumps and smears and rubs off too easily, one is too dry, and one claims to be black but kind of… isn’t.

  4. Try “Full and Soft” by Mabelline. I love it and it keeps eyelashes pliable rather than the brittleness that some mascaras do. It frequently goes on sale for 40% off at Rite Aid, and I try to stock up when I can get it for $4.00-$5.00 per unit.

  5. I LOVE Lash Out Butterfly by L’Oreal. The brush bristles are longer at the end to help grab every lash, especially those hard to reach end ones.

  6. I am a loyal Maybelline mascara fan… I personally found Clinques to be too liquidy. (Which isn’t an actual word but hopefully you get what I mean). I also like MaryKays mascara. I kinda think the technique you use when applying it makes all the difference. Do you wiggle the wand to get the bristles in between your lashes at the base before swiping out? Swipe out slowly and never apply more after your first coat has dried (if you like multiple coats, apply them immediately, while its all still wet).

  7. I just talked with my sil about mascara. She told me she went with a friend to do hair in Hollywood for photoshots one day (she lives just outside LA and does awesome updos!) and she was checking out what all the professional make-up artist were using make-up wise. She said almost everything was Mac make-up except the mascara. They’d whip out a tube of the pink and green cheap Maybelline mascara. Great Lash! So I just went a bought a $4 tube from Walmart. I like it. It stays on all day. Wish the brush was a bit longer, but I could just use a different one.

    1. I’ve heard a lot of people swearing by Great Lash. I tried it a few years back and wasn’t super crazy about it. But maybe I need to try it again.

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