Makeup Monday–Concealer

I have the most horrid, nasty undereye circles. It has been thus since I was a wee lass. I remember my mother taking me to the doctor as a kid to see what in the world was the matter with me. Turns out it’s just bad genetics and pale skin. In other words, tough luck for me.

Concealer and lipstick are the two things I would never leave the house without wearing. A good concealer, however, is hard to find. I’ve been a huge fan of Cargo’s Blu-Ray concealer. It is the one that stays out of fine lines but it’s coverage is a bit meager. My undereye circles are still there, just not as bad.  I’m getting a little tired of them, though. I’d like to be under eye-circle free–at least for a few hours.

I have tried a new concealer that does a great job covering things up and staying put BUT I can only recommend it with a caveat: if you have lines under your eyes you’ll need to wear it with a make-up primer. If I put a make-up primer on first, then it tends to stay out of the lines and it looks a million times better.*

So what is this great concealer? It’s called Erase Paste by benefit. It’s spendy  ($26 for a tiny little pot) but a little goes a verrrry long way.




If you have bad circles or scars that need to be covered, you’re probably willing to spend quite a lot to get the job done. I know I am. But the good news is that you can get a teensy travel size of this stuff at Ulta for $10. (I found it up next to the register in the display that has travel sizes of all sorts of products. Don’t be afraid to ask if you can’t find it.)  I hate to shell out almost $30 for something I can’t even try out.  I’ve been really happy with this concealer and plan to keep using it.


*The Primer I’ve been using lately is by Too Faced, one of my favorite brands of makeup. It’s called Primed and Poreless. I like it a lot but I don’t love it. I like it more than Smashbox primer, though.

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