The answer to your prayers (& a giveaway)

If you have children you probably have quite a collection of DVDs. If you children are old enough to work the DVD player, they probably take them out and leave them lying all over the floor. That’s not just my kids, right?

Perhaps one of our DVDs will make it out to the car and somehow end up with juice spilled all over it, wedged between the seats. That’s just a hypothetical. Things like that never happen for real around here. Never.

OK, fine. It’s a sad life to be a DVD at our house.

That’s where Fast Disc Repair comes in. It’s a great company that can repair just about any DVD, CD or video game. This isn’t just cleaning a DVD (did you know that saliva is the best cleaner there is? Try making your kids lick their dirty DVDs and see how they freak out!). This is actual resurfacing. Unless the disc is actually cracked, it can probably be fixed. And if it’s not fixable, they won’t charge you. How great is that?!

Here’s how it works: you pop your disks in a padded envelope and send them off, and they’ll be fixed and mailed right back to you in New York or Timbuktu or wherever you live. Or if you’re in the Austin area, you can drop by the business in Cedar Park (right across from City Hall). All for $7 a piece! Think about the alternative: tossing your badly scratched discs in the garbage and having to buy new ones. If you’ve paid $50 for a game, your only other choice is to throw it away, and that is just painful. It makes economical sense as well as environmental sense–keep all those messed-up discs out of the landfills!

I can’t rave about this enough. We have so many movies that we haven’t watched for years, simply because they skip really badly or freeze up. Now they’re good as new. Fast Disc Repair even fixed the dreaded circular scratch on one of my friends XBox games.

The nice Fast Disc people are allowing me to do a giveaway of their services. Leave me a comment by Wednesday 7/27 at 10 pm (central time) and I’ll choose a winner to receive free repair for four discs (CDs, DVDs or games). You can enter no matter where you live. Even on the other side of the Earth. Just get your discs to Texas and they’ll take care of the rest.

You can get more info here. And no, they are not paying me for this. I just love it so much.

605 N Bell Blvd.

Suite 103

Cedar Park, TX 78613

512 633-9195

| Filed under Entertainment, Fix-it, Good Things

14 thoughts on “The answer to your prayers (& a giveaway)

  1. We have so many discs that are scratched and freeze and we aren't able to use them. I live in WA, but wold love to send them off to get fixed!

  2. This would be great to win! I have several movies my daughter has scratched up making them unwatchable. Hopefully this applies to those not in your area…

  3. Four small people with eight little hands
    Dozens of sad and unused DVDs
    Tired Mommy who needs a break
    Pick me and a happy woman you'll make!

  4. that is stinkin awesome! Even my husband ( who HATES scratched DVD's) said WOW! I am so happy to hear of them! Yay

  5. Pick me, pick me! That sounds like a great company. I know we could use some of that kind of help around here. I hate throwing the ones away that I know won't work anymore. Such a waste!

  6. This is so great! I need to send in our Cinderella dvd so my daughter can watch it again!!! I hope I win!

  7. So who won? I obviously didn't enter in time, but I'm curious who got the prize. Either way, I have a bunch of DVDs to send that were in our car, floating around (i.e. rubbing agaist rough things) for so long they won't play. I really need to send them.

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