Unemployed, but blessed

We are still unemployed around here. Not fun. Tempers flare easily. But even with that there are still blessings. We know the Lord is watching out for us even though The Big Blessing (a great job) still hasn’t happened YET. Namely because in the last week:

1) Mister has gotten a couple of decent consulting jobs.

2) Apple agreed to fix my laptop (which included replacing the entire top/screen) FOR FREE. They told me it would cost $850 originally. (If you live in Austin and need your mac fixed go to MacWorks on Mopac. They are the best!) Once I get it back I might actually start blogging regularly.

3) My old boss that I worked for ten years ago called me out of the blue and told me he owed me $600 so could he please send me a check right away? (yes, please!)

4) Somebody volunteered to loan us a car while we’re in Utah next month, saving us a pile of money on a rental.

So all hope is not lost. We’re hanging in there.

| Filed under Good Things

10 thoughts on “Unemployed, but blessed

  1. Wow ~ such awesome blessings! I love how the Lord takes care of us and especially love it when we notice!!!

  2. I love when blessings come in such obvious ways so that we can recognize them. Or maybe it is just me that seems to always overlook the not so obvious ones too often!

    I am hoping and praying that you get the big 'new job' blessing soon.

    I am so glad that you are getting your laptop fixed!!

  3. Someone is also volunteering to put you up in a six bedroom house for free while you're in Utah. WOOT! (You may not get all six bedrooms, though. Will four do?)

  4. Wow, I kinda know the feeling. Except my husband just barely started his new job. No paycheck yet.

    Double wow, you're coming to Utah? Are you staying with arianne? I've met her and she's delicious.

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