Done aaaaaand Done!

R.I.P ugly cheap faucet.

This statuesque beauty has taken your place:


Climbing around under the sink is hard on your back.  Not to mention a little oogie and claustrophobic.  But it’s ever so worth it.  Especially since the plumber who came to fix our water heater told me he charges $290 to install a kitchen faucet.  (I also saved money by getting this faucet on ebay.  75% off the retail price!)
Moving on from the faucet to the drab walls.  
Aaah, color.  That’s better.

Great. Now the beige tile looks even more hideous. 
| Filed under Decorating, Fix-it, Good Things

12 thoughts on “Done aaaaaand Done!

  1. This is a true story but you have to promise never to tell. Back when vinyl lettering was still kinda sorta new, my step-mom gave us all glass bricks for Christmas that said, "LIVE LAUGH LOVE." I figured out you could scrape the lettering off and removed the first 6 letters and the last four letters from my mom's one, leaving only "UGH."

    I would LOVE to have some finished projects to show for myself. Although I don't envy the stress that got you in a finishing-projects mode.

  2. Okay, NOW I'm all caught up on your blog.

    Happy anniversary!

    I don't mind sweating (too much) and I would probably enjoy running if I didn't worry that it would ruin my knees and make my uterus fall out.

    I really did start seeing spots last night when I had to give up on commenting, and it's the 2nd time this week that's happened, and I'm scared it's being caused by my IUD, but I don't want to go to the doctor because my IUD has stopped my menorrhagia (overly heavy periods) so I really don't want to have to have it removed. I guess instead I'll just have to give up the internet.

  3. Zina, Glass blocks are so mother in law! Good luck with the IUD. Nothing is worth giving up the internet!

  4. Oh, WOW, Jennie! You are a whiz with both decorating and plumbing! Both jobs look FABULOUS! I'm so proud of you! I got a new faucet for my rental house, and don't know if I have the moxie to install it myself.

    I'm gradually getting my moving act together, but I'm BEAT! EVERY DAY!!

  5. That is quite impressive. I love that you were able to buy that faucet on ebay. Clever girl. So what are you going to do about the backsplash now? Some kind of mosaic tile masterpiece? I am always in awe of the projects that you take on, and finish!

  6. That is beautiful! I love the faucet and walls. Good job changing it out yourself. I make my husband do it and pretend that because his father is a plumber, he should genetically know how to do all plumbing related things.

  7. I am in love with your faucet- is is ok to have faucet envy? I have been looking at similar ones for a while, but never thought of looking for it on ebay at 75% discount- brilliant!! My search begins….NOW!

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