A bunch of stuff

OK, here’s the story: I don’t have a lot of interesting things going on in my life right now; hence my blog is pretty dull.  My life consists of me cleaning up after my kids and watching them eat snacks all day.  That’s it.  That’s my life in a nutshell. So I haven’t been blogging much.  But I feel bad about that so I’m going to rack my brain to thing of some more things to share with you.

–I have two giant zits on my cheek and chin right now.  Normally my skin is pretty good but since I will be going to Utah this weekend and seeing lots of new people, my body decided to play a big practical joke and make me look gross.

–I maxed out my credit card.  Mister was none too pleased, being unemployed and all.  It turns out that spending money helps to fill the sad hole in my psyche.  (Not really but it’s worth a try.) When I see a cute pair of kelly green espadrilles how can I say no?  How could such great shoes not make me feel happier? (Plus they were 30% off.  The fact that I have nothing to match them is immaterial.)

–I finished painting my mudroom cupboards but I don’t want to post a picture of them because I don’t want you to think that I’m one of those people who tries to show how awesome they are.  But they look good.  Maybe if I also posted a picture of the disaster known as my closet you would see that I really am not all that.

–I am somewhat attracted to Eminem even though he looks like a dork and has a potty mouth.

–I am super baby hungry.  I KNOW!  I already have six kids, you don’t need to remind me.  (Mister had a vasectomy anyway so that’s that.)  I think I’m just having a hard time facing the fact that I’m not the young mom anymore.  Now I’m the aging mother of teenagers.  Technically I still have a preschooler, but I’m like a whole generation away from the other moms at playgroup.  And looking young isn’t the same thing.   When it turns out that I was getting my driver’s license the year they were born, it’s strange.  And it makes me feel old.  Do you know what would make me feel young again?  Having a baby!  Ugh.  Shut up already, Jennie!

–Sometimes I think I’m pretty, then other times I think I’m so-so.  Sometimes I think my hair looks good then someone will take a picture and it looks flat and boring.  How can that be?  Which is right?  The camera or the mirror?

–Mocha is the grossest flavor.

–I didn’t cry at all in Toy Story 3.  That makes me feel sort of hard-hearted.  But then I remembered that I cried a ton during Up, so maybe it’s just that toys really are nothing but plastic to me.

–My Macbook Air has a broken hinge connecting the screen to the keyboard (good job, Apple,  making it the one plastic part on the entire computer!)  I keep meaning to take it in to be fixed but the idea of being without it for longer than an hour gives me the heebie-jeebies.  So now my laptop has two options: shut or lying open flat.  I have a particular hatred for all things broken since I grew up in a house with a frugal and creative mother who bought nothing new and “fixed” everything with wire, strips of cloth and/or duct tape.  

–I hate white and yellow flowers in landscaping.  Those are the colors of weeds.  Give me pink and red and purple any day.

–I really love movie popcorn with lots of butter.  I am hoping I can squeeze in a movie at the Megaplex in Utah this weekend because their buttered popcorn is superb.

–Edward is a loser. I simply do not get Twilight.

–I had to wrap up all my art books an hide them in the attic because I kept finding them in my boys’ bathroom; all the art books full of nekkid ladies.  Boys are gross.

–All my children’s socks are now kept in the mudroom.  I’m hoping it will cut down on the sock-related torment I feel in my life.  If it didn’t make their feet stink I would make my kids go sockless year-round.  Socks are my nemesis, my bête noire.

–People who have food issues (gluten-free, non-dairy, blah, blah blah) kind of seem babyish and high-maintenance. Unless you get cold sores on your mouth or something gross like that.  Then I just feel sorry for you.

–I’m a little excited to drive a Uhaul halfway across the country (in case you missed the news, my mom is moving from Salt Lake to Austin).  Mostly because I love road trips (without kids) and also because my sister decided to come along. We’ll be able to talk for hours.  My mom will be driving her deathtrap car behind us. I hope we all make it back to Texas safely. Do they have wi-fi at truck stops?

| Filed under IMO

11 thoughts on “A bunch of stuff

  1. I'm having the older mother identity crisis too. I think the fact that Cate is starting high school in the fall is really pushing me over the edge. Where has the time gone? I feel like one day I'll blink and I'll be a grandmother. Yikes!

    I'm also with you on the bedding flowers. I always choose reds, purple and hot pinks for anything I add to the yard. No whites around here!

  2. FYI, they do have wi-fi at truck stops.

    I told my mister that I too, for the first time feel old. Pretty sure it's due to me just having my last baby. It's not fun to feel old.

    And, you really need to post pictures of your mudroom. Blogs are for narcissists, so you may as well get on with it already and let us see. You can also post a picture of your closet if you'd like. That'd make me feel better too.

  3. OK, Jenster, ALL of us want to see pictures of the gorgeous painting job you did on your mudroom cabinets. So get with it.

    And my "deathtrap" only has 90,000 miles on it, and works wonderfully. It only LOOKS old and dangerous. Kind of like me.

  4. Yes, mudroom pics, please. Because someday I dream that my laundry room / side entry/ pit of despair will only be a laundry room / mudroom.

    Yes, Edward is a total tool with severe PMS. I love seeing it when other people write about this, too, so thank you!

  5. You totally need to post pictures of your mudroom. 1) because it looks fabulous and 2) because you deserve to brag about it! You are all that!

  6. Maxed out credit card, meh. Brilliant new green wedge shoes, sigh! I think that is a good trade.

    I was laughing as I read through this post for a few reasons which yes I will share. Laughing that you are baby hungry, and laughing that in our minds we think it makes us feel younger. Laughing that you are attracted to Eminem.
    We took the kids to see Toy Story 3 opening night and all I could think was that I wanted the popcorn as well. (now all the kids talk about is the monkey that was the security alarm, and they make the annoying sound as well.)

    I also have the changing feelings of thinking that I look nice and pretty, and then looking in the mirror some days and feeling less than plain Jane. Why is that?

    I would love to see your new and improved mud room as well, does it feel like you live in a brand new house because you have pretty much changed up the entire downstairs in the last 6 months. Please post some photos.
    Good luck with your road trip, I am sure that it will be fun with your sister there, and you will have your new phone (we got ours today) that alone will be enough entertainment for 24+ hours of driving.

  7. yep, that's why I want another baby too. To make me feel young again. And I have a college student!

  8. I want to see the mudroom, but in person. Not a picture. Do you like how I keep inviting myself to your house? I am starting to wonder if never having actually BEEN invited to your house really means anything?

    Have fun in UT. And be safe driving back to TX. Not many of the towns have WiFi, but the 3G coverage (for you new iPhone is pretty decent from AZ to TX, so I am guessing it would be the same from UT to TX.

  9. That was a lot to cover for nothing going on! I think you should post the pictures and let us see your awesomeness!

    Also, I have the opposite trouble with age where I live. Even the age when I had my last (30) is considered young to start a family here and parents my older kids' age were in high school when I was born.

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