The Giveaway Winner

I’ve been wondering why the winner of the giveaway still hasn’t contacted me and then I noticed that the post where I announce the winner has been sitting in my drafts folder this whole time.  Good job, Jennie!  Anyway, the winner of the apron, brownies and skin care stuff is:

Jennifer from The Seven Alstons.  
Yay for you and thanks for the nice comments everyone! 
(Email me with your address,  Jennifer!)
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5 thoughts on “The Giveaway Winner

  1. You're just lucky I'm still on this diet or I'd be pissed about not wiinning those brownies! At least I have the recipe. though it's not nearly the same as having someone else make them FOR me!

  2. Did I hear you say that there is a runner up prize for the person that drives to your house on the day that you make the brownies…maybe I can just have a taste of the batter out of the bowl…You know I totally would take that prize.

  3. I thought you were just trying to get more views and comments, keeping us all in suspense. Congratulations to Ms. Seven.

  4. Hooray! I'm the runner up! I got to lick the bowl (when Jennie wasn't looking) and eat two of the four brownies she trimmed off the edge so it would fit the package. They were AMAZING!

    I'm sure Jennie has posted the recipe, and anyone who doesn't try it out has never tasted heaven!

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