This is my sweet baby girl Adelaide. She is five today.
For the first year of her life she rarely smiled. She also rarely frowned (except in this picture). She was just a placid, content little baby taking everything in and thinking long and hard.
Sometime around a year and a half old a spunky personality came out of nowhere. She’s the lone Red in a family of Whites and Blues and Yellows.*
Ada and Mister are particularly close. They’ve agreed to live next door to each other forever. Last week I asked Ada what would happen if her husband wanted to live someplace else. She thought about that for a while. “I fink I’ll be da boss of my husband.” That doesn’t really surprise me.
Happy birthday little bird! I’ll try not to cry about you growing up so fast.
*You’ve read The Color Code, right?
Oh I miss sweet Ada! Happy Birthday!
I used to babysit her. As an infant.
Tell her happy birthday from me, though I doubt she remembers who I am ^_~
She is so precious and beautiful! The years are passing too darn fast.
I know she won't remember us. She was incredibly beautiful when she was born. She, as your whole sweet family have left an indeliable impression in our lives.;")
Happy Birthday Ada!!! I remember the week after you were born very clearly when I didn't tell your mother I was in town and then ran into her and you at Babies-R-Us. I can't believe that was 5 years ago!
I bet Ada is as excited as Maija to start kindergarten. That's all we hear about these days.
Have a great birthday, Ada!
Aunt Kim
She looks so much like you, Jennie. I love that she knows she's the boss.
I am loving that ya have a blog. One more thing to put on my list of "people to check up on" haha…I myself am a self addicted blogger.
Happy birthday Ada!!
You know what the great thing about you having lots of kids at you home is…lots of birthdays. Tack on you and Mister and you are pretty much celebrating all the time. Like it is just one big party all year long.
Happy Birthday Ada. I like that you are a spunky take charge kind of girl, may it serve you well in life.
What beautiful blue eyes! And by the way, why on earth is she wearing hat, scarf, and coat in TEXAS?
hee hee.
I can't believe how old you're getting!
My son just turned five too, time flies.
Hope she has a happy birthday.
She is a red??? How can you tell? I've never noticed that about her.
(So is Daphne. Quite clearly. I wonder if that bodes poorly for their future friendship.)
She is so, so cute!! I love her rosy cheeks.
I also wanted to comment on your labels. They are entertaining in and of themselves. Who would make a label for embarrassing posts but you? Then there's the Feeling Sorry For Myself Label. I love it.
Have read it, listened to it, and laugh about our colors. My husband is equal parts white and blue, with a smattering of red. I'm completely equal parts of blue and red, with a smattering of white. No yellow. No place. Such non fun loving characters, us. Wonder if it has changed now that we're older and more mature? Probably not. We're raising a red with some blue(dau 8), a yellow (son 7) and what is starting to look a lot like a red yellow mixture, more red, though (s 1). So, Noah's pale blue, I'm vibrant purple, ammon's a bright yellow, Evva's a bright red or a hot pink, and Eli's orange. Probably day-glo orange.
Always wanted to know my color!!! I will check out the book. Do you own it? I love Ada. I love that she knows she will be the boss. Tell her Chavez said Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Sweet Ada! I know I am a day late…sorry! But I do miss you all. I will call you soon.
Happy Birthday Ada! I hope you had a super fantastic day
Happy Birthday Ada!
I'm a Yellow married to a Blue raising 5 REDS!
That alone should be a diagnosis!