Homemade is better? For who?

I don’t know why I do this to myself every year. I get some idea in my head for cute Valentines for my kids to give out so I hit the craft store and buy all the necessary stuff. And then I make the food to go inside (because it’s Texas, a lawless frontier where you are allowed to do crazy things like give out homemade food at school. In most states that’s illegal) and I quickly realize that I have bitten off more than I can chew. It wouldn’t be so bad except I have four children giving out Valentines (the one nice thing about Middle School: no Valentines!)

But I’ve made the food and have all the stuff, so I drink a bunch of caffeine and hunker down with my hole punches and glassine bags and curse my stupidity.

Three hours later I have seventy of these nice little Valentines, complete with heart-shaped chocolate chip cookies.


I’ve learned my lesson, though. Next year I’ll glue a mini candy bar to a Spiderman Valentine and call it good. Just you wait and see.

P.S. For perfect heart-shaped cookies, bake your cookie dough in a pan then cut out shapes after it’s cooled. It helps if you grease your pan then flip the whole thing out onto the counter before using your cookie cutters.

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12 thoughts on “Homemade is better? For who?

  1. What a great mom! My kids would be lucky if I did something nice like that for just the teachers, much less 70 kids 🙂 Those Valentine's are wonderful!

  2. Wow. Most impressive! I may copy the heart-shaped chocolate chip part for the gals I VT. Very cute. Just roll out the dough and cut right? How did you do the scalloped edge on the paper? Very nice touch. You are amazing!

  3. Do you do something like that for all the primary kids in the ward too. I bet you do.

    That is a really cute idea, but I have a feeling that after 15 of them I would also be kicking and cursing myself. Good work I am sure that the moms of the kids at school will be very impressed.

  4. I found my niche, I put my kids in a Charter School with a "wellness" policy. No treats or food ever!

    Do I agree with it? No, Do I love getting off the hook for all holidays? Yes!

    They are darling btw!

  5. They turned out so cute! Sorry I didn't help you with them. I feel guilty since I was in town. Can I borrow that hole punch next year???

  6. Dang it! I clicked on this link from another post and the image is now not there from Photobucket, saying it has been moved or deleted. I want to see it. I'm sure it was cute!

  7. Cool! You fixed it. Those are cute cookies! I also adore the glassine bags with your fancing punching effect added, and lbnl, the red dotted ribbon, which I am also a huge fan of.

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