Still alive

Still on vacation. But I don’t want you to think I’ve forgotten about you. Some random pics:

Let’s hear it for a laptop loaded with episodes of Speed Racer and Scooby Doo!  No self-respecting child would dare look away.

So I’m on a ski lift, big deal. It is a big deal because I’m terrified of heights! Terrified! But I decided that I’m through with being a big baby. 


(Until I have to ride in a glass elevator.  At that point I will curl up, whimpering, in a fetal position.)

Arabella got baptized.  Look how glow-y she is!  I take that as a good sign.

Independence Day (another excuse for matching outfits.) It’s also a day about cousins

and  fire

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6 thoughts on “Still alive

  1. With the great smile that you are flashing I would have never guessed that you were about to pee your pants on the ski lift.

    We just got back from Utah, and let me tell you that you are lucky to be out there in that nice weather where it cools off at night. It is so dang hot here. Good luck with the rest of your trip.

  2. Fun, fun–Utah style!

    You are gorgeous, lady—and I saw your equally gorgeous sister peeking out in that one shot—-ah, family!

  3. Great pics. Make sure to send me any that have my kids in them. I have very few of our kids together.

    It was a great time. I'm glad you came!

  4. Great pictures! You and Arabella look pretty in the baptism picture, and I love the kids in their twinsy outfits on Independence Day.

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