You’re my best friend, right?

Have you seen this desk?  It’s pretty much the coolest thing around and I want one really badly.  You have no idea how many crafting supplies I have stashed in various parts of my house.  Wouldn’t it be nice to put them all in one place? Well, there is a way for me to get this desk (and you too, but  I want me to have it. Nothing personal.)  

Scrapbox, the company that makes it, is holding a contest.  Anyone can enter a craft to be voted on by visitors to their site.  The craft with the most votes wins. (Basically it’s a craft beauty contest.)  Since I happened to have a photo of that cake for Arabella’s party sitting on my desktop I entered that as my craft (cake-making is a craft, right?  They sell supplies at craft stores, so I’m assuming that makes it so.)

Would you pretty-please click over there and vote for my cake?  (You can peruse the gallery.  It’s heavy on scrapbook pages.)  I’m #330, but here’s the link (You can vote once a day.  The contest ends on May 28).

| Filed under Blogging, Making Stuff

17 thoughts on “You’re my best friend, right?

  1. I voted for you… because you definitely deserve it with that beautiful cake. Looking at the other entries I’m wondering where they are getting their “bonus” votes???? How do you get more of those????

  2. i’m your bff–and i agree with shana. i think that cake freaking ROCKS.

    i am also pimping you out tomorrow on the blog. you deserve that desk!!!

  3. You have my multiple votes! Your cake is about the most beautiful birthday cake I’ve ever seen.

    If you win, can I rent out a drawer?

  4. That desk is so cool! I would love one for myself, but lets be honest crafting and I, we are complete strangers. I will do a post for you too.

  5. Boy, most of those crafts are painfully amateurish. But I was blown away by the POINTS obtained by: a gardening purse (in the 500s) a stupid photo of two children (in the 400s) and a quilt in the 400s. The quilt at least took time, even if it isn’t really cute.

    I suspect the winner will depend on how many friends you have online. You are going to have to do some major convincing of all your friends to contact all THEIR friends, since you are currently only 172 against 549.

    Problem with the cake picture: there’s no scale representation. You can’t tell if it’s a cupcake, a hat, or how big it is. Perhaps you should use the picture where Bella is blowing out the candle.

  6. voted, and I scrolled through the other things, um lets just say that if I were the judge that 99% of those things would automatically be dumped off the list.

    I bet that your cake was really yummy too, you should get points if it tastes good too. Good luck I hope you win.

  7. now this is beautiful! what is the retail of this baby?

    btw…i voted! (and will continue voting!) good luck.

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