
Just got home from Florida. Realized that I forgot to fill up the tank of the rental car. That’s an expensive whoops. Woke the kids up at 4:30 this morning to get to the airport. They haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since before we left.

Smelly and tired.  Maybe I’m not smelly but I feel smelly. The kids are smelly.  And messy.
Dirty laundry.
No groceries.
Christmas decoration are still up (we left the 26th)
I have a lot of work to do.  Yuck.
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7 thoughts on “Decompression

  1. Welcome home! We got home yesterday and I keep looking at my Christmas trees and decor and am wishing I could wave a magic wand and POOF! It will all be stored neatly in the attic. Good luck with your mess…and I’ll wish myself the same.

  2. That is such a nice homecoming present to yourself. I think that you should take the day off tomorrow. You know just waste the day away until you feel like doing all the regular old daily stuff.

    Glad to have you back from the land of make believe and way too early morning wake up calls.

  3. Crappy isn’t it!! I still have my Christmas stuff to take down too…we were gone for a couple weeks. I hope you had a great time!

  4. Eek! I hate when you come home from a vacation and feel like you need a vacation. I hope you can get through it all quickly!

  5. Welcome back! I’ve been cleaning out since the 26th of December, so I’m feeling rather good about myself…but look at the memories you’ve created! Sad to say, nobody is going to remember how organized my house is.

  6. Once you get going you’ll like it. And then you’ll become compulsive about cleaning out all your closets, as I have.

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