Grosser than gross

There are a lot of disgusting things that happen when you have children.  There are also a lot of disgusting things that happen when you have pets.  Put them both together and what do you have? A blog entry!

Arabella let Maggie the dog out to go to the bathroom this morning (although it should technically be called “go to the yard” since there is no bathroom involved).  Apparently Maggie had to go so badly that she couldn’t take an extra four steps, so she pooped on the patio.  I sent Arabella out to clean it up, but she has a flair for the dramatic (and an overactive gag reflex) and this task was simply too overwhelming.  She threw up on the patio.


And the grossest part?  Maggie ate the throw-up like it was the greatest of delicacies.

Fun times at my house, yessiree.
| Filed under Pets, Yuck

5 thoughts on “Grosser than gross

  1. Your wonderful! We had our Dieter neutered on Friday, lots of interesting conversations as well as a few gross clean ups around here as well!

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